Neil Thorpe

Professional Supervisor


Professional supervision has been valued as contributing to the growth and transformation of those called to provide leadership and governance in ministry, chaplaincy, health and education, and mission.

Your experience of supervision with me will be based upon a professional relationship that is intentional and compassionate. Utilizing my knowledge, skills and experience, in an atmosphere fostering trust and transparency, you can review your work/ministry roles and explore the values, beliefs and attitudes that underlie your responses.

Professional Supervision is designed to sustain participants in addressing complex situations and navigating change.

I have a strong commitment to ministry agents working in rural and remote situations. My training has had a strong focus on delivering Professional Supervision through digital means. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you via Zoom.
You can learn more about my commitment and focus in supervision.

Professional Supervision

I invite you to contact me via email or through the contact form on this site to discuss the possibilities of supervision for you.